Sunday, July 6, 2008


I had a long chat today with a old friend of my husband's. She is a single mom of two young kiddos, and needs to use a wheelchair to get around in recent years. She was just sharing a bit about some of the frustrations she's had in the area of transportation, and in people not understanding the difficulties with it. Just very recently she acquired an adaptive van with a lift, but before that she was dependant on public transportation, which in her area requires 24 hour advance notice for use of the accessible public transportation. I can't even imagine always having to know at least a day in advance when I'd need to go somewhere, especially with kids!! She shared a story about a time when she needed to get to her daughter's school quickly, and just how challenging that was, and how difficult it was to get school staff to understand the hoops that needed to be jumped through. Anyway, just throwing it out there - any stories about transportation issues? Any ideas on solutions?

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