Thursday, January 29, 2009

Leave of absence

I am beginning to do a short stint of work outside of our home, and I have a feeling that I won't be back on here for a little bit. I apologize in advance. I look forward to seeing you soon!! :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sodium, Salt, and Your Health.

If you're like me, you probably haven't thought much about the sodium and salt in your food until you, or someone close to you, has a health problem that requires you to think about it. It is an important aspect of your health to consider, however.

The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) today released "Sodium and Salt: A Guide for Consumers, Policymakers and the Media", a science policy paper that provides current and scientifically accurate information and resources on sodium and salt.

“The food industry takes seriously its commitment to develop products that provide choices for consumers interested in managing their intake of salt (sodium chloride) and sodium,” said Robert Brackett, chief science officer for GMA. “Companies are achieving lower sodium in products through extensive research, reformulation, new salt reduction technology and new product development. Thanks to these industry efforts, today there are more and more sodium- or salt-modified products available nationwide for consumers in the marketplace.”

This policy paper takes a closer look at the basics of sodium and salt, the effect too much or too little sodium can have on a person, and what the food industry can do to help. We don't want to cut sodium out of our diet altogether, as sodium is an essential nutrient. Some sodium and salt is needed as part of a healthy diet. The policy paper suggests that “the food industry can play a key role in offering consumers lower-salt food choices with conventional and modified levels of salt or sodium.”

I found this policy paper an interesting read, and in case you'd like to check it out yourself, you can visit to access it. Let me know your thoughts!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Once again....

Once again I've tried to fit too many things into my list of things to do, and well, blogging got pushed down the list. It got pushed down to the point that it hasn't really seen the light of day for quite some time. Sorry about that.... My intention was to keep this site going as a quality place to discuss health, disability, abilities, and issues of that sort. So let's try that again, shall we? :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

DISEASES AND CURES: Foot Care in Diabetes

I don't know an awful lot about diabetes, but my grandmother does have to deal with it, so I'm interested in learning more..... I just read a really good article about foot care in diabetes that I'd like to share:

DISEASES AND CURES: Foot Care in Diabetes

This is a really sad picture, but it drives home the dangers that are possible with this disease....

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


"A lot of disappointed people have been left standing on the street corner waiting for the bus marked "Perfection". "
-- Donald Kennedy

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Healthy Aging After Retirement

I received this email from Tri-Vita, so it has some product links, but it also has tons of good info on an important topic!

According to the book “BioMarkers, the greatest predictor of health as we age is the level of lean body mass that we carry. Lean body mass fuels our metabolism. Unfortunately, a chronic wasting condition affects many seniors. The condition is called sarcopenia. What causes it and what can we do to prevent and even reverse it?

Sarcopenia – chronic wasting
A deficit in lean body mass (muscles, organs, bones, etc.) is called sarcopenia. Energy is born in your muscles and other lean body mass. It is created to meet the needs of the day. People actually program their energy metabolism by their activity level. In other words, if you regularly expend a certain amount of energy every day, your body will start anticipating this. Your metabolism will create the lean body mass and produce the energy needed to meet the regular tasks of the day.

Energy requires fuel. A healthy person will have a hunger equivalent to their energy needs. The hunger ceases and you feel satisfied when nutrient levels – especially fats – have reached the general requirements for fuel anticipated by your body. Interestingly, in a healthy person certain cravings will direct their appetite to foods containing the nutrients they lack. Most of us have obliterated our delicate sense of taste with added salt and sugar. We have erased the ability of our body to communicate through cravings.

These are three main components for metabolism and building lean body mass:

  1. Peaceful sleep
  2. Nutritious foods
  3. Purposeful daily activity.

Without these three elements your body simply does not have the resources or even the need to build lean body mass. Building up does not keep pace with wearing down. As the balance of metabolism tips toward muscle loss instead of muscle gain, a person is at risk of sarcopenia.

Purpose, sleep and nutrition
“BioMarkers” also discusses how the human body can begin to shut down after retirement when there is a lack of purposeful daily activity. This is accompanied by a reduced ability to sleep and eat. With less whole food in the diet, fewer nutrients are ingested and vitamin deficiency is very common.

A real key for healthy aging is reclaiming your sense of purpose in life. When we are younger, this sense of purpose is often expressed in caring for a family or pursuing a career. As we age, new activities may replace the endeavors of our youth:

  • Adult education
  • Volunteerism
  • Mentoring.

Additionally, a regular exercise program becomes very critical as we age, and we should pay more attention to a healthy diet every day and peaceful sleep every night.

The supplements of healthy aging include four critical components:

Vitamin B-12 is the number one nutrient deficiency among seniors, followed by Vitamin C.

Healthy aging after retirement
The average lifespan of retirees is only 2.5 years from the point of retirement. Without a sense of purpose there is no reason for energy and the body simply begins to shut down. The greatest wellness and longevity is experienced by those who enjoy purposeful daily activity, peaceful sleep and a nutritious diet. Take your healthy aging supplements and, to paraphrase former President George H.W. Bush, “Stop yelling at the TV; get up off the couch, get out of the house and live the life of your dreams!”

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."

Robert F. Kennedy